If you don't already know, I currently live in the Southwest. My husband's job has had us here in this dusty, brown part of the country for the past twelve years and we have another two and a half to go, at which point we are piling into an RV and flooring it to anywhere that is green.
In other words, I'm not a fan of living in the Southwest.
Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for the experience. And above all, I'm grateful to have a roof over my head and money to keep my family fed. But my soul is happy in the rich, green landscapes of the east coast. Growing up, I didn't realize New England was such a unique area. I thought everyone was lucky enough to live a mile from the ocean, to keep gardens that didn't require much watering, to spend a lazy Sunday at the park lying in the grass and staring at the clouds.
This was NOT my husband's childhood experience. Not once but TWICE he found himself ass first in a barrel cactus, which if you're not familiar with these pretty-but-vicious plants they very much fall into the category of look-but-don't-touch.
He didn't spend his springs rolling down hills of lush grass or sledding on a thick blanket of snow come winter. He spent the first thirteen years of his life in shorts 365 days of the year, which is heaven to some but not to this farm-craving girl. And after spending some time in Texas, he returned to Arizona. I came into the picture a few years later, and now we live in New Mexico.
Sonoran Desert |
My point, dear readers, is despite the daily mantras that there is a lesson to be learned here, that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, that there is a reason for everything, I don't find peace in the constant (and often brutal) sunshine. Nature is what centers me. Dew-soaked grass soothes my soul when I'm distressed; crimson autumn leaves heal the mind when I need respite from the frenetic pace of life. And while I loved the arid beauty that is the Sonoran desert, filled with towering saguaro cacti and orange-flowering octillo, this is the Chihuahuan desert, and it's a sparse, desolate comparison to what I grew to love (and deeply miss) in Arizona.
No matter how hard I try to see the bright side, there are days when my heart—nay, my soul!— long for the life that thrives in a green environment, After all, isn't there something to be said about a thriving environment? When the earth is fertile and bountiful, doesn't your spirit seem to flourish with it? If that's true, then what does a stagnant, barren, harsh landscape produce?
Crankiness. I can tell you from experience this rain-loving, tree-hugging, grass-beneath-her-toes girl gets mighty cranky when she feels disconnected from the loving, peaceful energy that the earth provides.
And therein lies my lesson.
We absorb that earth's energy any time we are connected to it. Our hands when we're gardening. Our feet when we're walking on the warm sands of a beach. Our backsides when we're.... just joking. Though I imagine sex in the woods is probably a great energy boost in numerous ways. *wink wink nudge nudge*
In order to keep myself balanced, I ground myself every morning in my backyard and any time I feel disconnected or unsettled spiritually. This can also be helpful if you've witnessed something traumatic, like an accident, or had a confrontation that leaves you rattled. I do this in conjunction with smudging, which I will also describe.
How to Ground Yourself
The great thing about grounding is that it only takes a couple of minutes and is really easy to do.
1. Take your shoes off and get your feet in some dirt or grass. If you live in the city and can't get to a park (or don't want to do this in front of the hot dog vendor) you can always use a small pan of dirt or even a small patch of sod if you're super motivated. Personally, I feel most connected when the arches of my feet are in direct contact with the soil, so I really like to work those bad boys in there.
2. Close your eyes, take a few deep, cleansing breaths and focus your mind.
3. Picture roots growing out of the soles of your feet into the dirt. Imagine those roots branching off, burrowing deeper into the nutrient-rich soil, feel your body connecting with the energies of nature. You should feel a sense of peace and calm come over you. Take as much or as little time as you want. Spirituality is all personal preference. I usually take about 2-3 minutes. Some days I feel so disconnected I pull up a chair and read a book. It's what feels best for you.
Balancing Option
If I'm a good girl and got out of bed on time, I like doing a balancing blessing in conjunction with the sunrise. It just feels appropriate, a fresh approach to a new day. On those days, or really any time I feel I need an extra boost, I do the following:
After grounding and picturing my roots, I stand with my arms outstretched over my head in Goddess pose and say: Sky above me
Then I lower my arms so my palms are facing the earth (still standing) and say: Earth below me
Then I cross my arms over my chest, hands on shoulders (God pose) and say: Balance within me!
I feel this helps connect not only my feminine and masculine energies (because there is a little of God and Goddess in all of us) but I also feel this helps symbolically balance the heaviness of reality with the airiness of dreaming. Because, despite what society says, you never want to be too serious. Always nurture that inner dreamer!
If you're looking to smudge, this couldn't get any easier. I like to do this immediately after grounding while my feet are still in the dirt.You can purchase smudging sticks that are pre-made. (I'm working on a post on how to make your own, so stay tuned!) I like these. Or you can cut a few twigs of rosemary off a plant, give it a week or so to dry, and use that. You can even use some dried evergreen. Really anything that is fragrant, natural, and dried will work.
Once you light the smudging stick, give it a moment to burn out and smolder. If it doesn't, blow it out. But you want it to continue to smolder and give off smoke (the way a cigarette does).
Then, once the risk of lighting your hair on fire has passed, slowly circle your head with the stick, keeping peaceful thoughts and calm mind. Work your way down your body in slow, rhythmic circles. Pay attention to how you feel. It's hard to describe, but you can experience a "stuck" feeling while you're smudging, like you can't get that area to relax. That means that area needs more work. Just be patient with yourself and take the time you need to cleanse. Additionally, I like to take a bit of extra time at my feet, really grounding my energy to earth.
And you're done! You can even smudge your pets if they've been ill or extra grumpy, but mine don't tolerate this at all. Then again, my dog is petrified of spoons and blowing curtains, so it may just be my furry children.
What is your morning ritual? Do you have a certain something-something you like to do to prepare for the day?
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